IndiAngela Jones

Shamanic Healing
Illness and suffering of any kind are caused by imbalances in the energetic field. Shamanic healing is an energetic and spiritual practice that restores balance and well-being to your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies. You have a safe place to heal here.
Working with Energy
You are energy. Your thoughts are energy. Your feelings are energy. Your foot is energy. When there is a block, when life isn't flowing, then your energetic field is out of balance. I am trained to diagnose the energies at the root of your issue and use channeling to receive divine guidance from God, your guides and your highest self. We will clear, cut, cleanse, ground and shield in the energetic realm.
Other Tools
I also use other methods and tools in my work such as, music and sound, hapé, feathers, chakapas, rattles, emotion code, crystals, breath, prayer, mantra and guided meditation. We will let your inner wisdom guide us to the message, energetic release and activation you need.
Reasons To Work With Me
Of course this is not an exhaustive list but here are some reasons to enter into this work:
*Beginning a new course or season of life. Clear the old and call in fertile ground. Surrender to change.
*Activation. You know you posses a gift (or want to know your gifts) and are ready to change your DNA for it's use.
*Ending a relationship, job or season of life. Clear the crud and hear what your heart is moving toward.
*Accelerate timelines.
Sacred Geometry
God communicates with us through every means. The mathematic make-up of the universe fascinates me so I have learned how to construct geometric structures of light that are designed for specific purposes. Perhaps a portal to bring in gifts from other realms, a wheel of forgiveness, or a call of protection to Arch Angel Alejandro. Whether you need to heal, propel or find an answer, there is geometry for that.
Session Overview
First, you can text 405.517.4602 or use the form below to reach out and set up an appointment. Once we've found the best mode and time for you, I meet you in a quiet place in your home or on Zoom. We begin by discussing your current issue and will move into the work from there.
Individual Sessions:
$100 Zoom / $125 in person
Group Sessions range from $150 to $500 depending on the size of the group and whether you would like to meet in person or on Zoom. I love this work for women's and men's groups,
I do offer a sliding scale because healing you may need healing in order to allow money to flow. Please reach out if you are interested in this option.
Get in Touch
Or fill out the form here and add your message of how I can best support you right now.
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